B2C design seduces with emotion, B2B design convinces with logic. ‍

Ever swiped right on an app based purely on looks? That’s B2C design doing its job – it’s the flirty wink, the dazzling smile. It makes you feel something, urging you to buy those shoes or book that vacation. It’s about instant gratification, the thrill of the chase.

Now imagine scrolling through spreadsheets, meticulously comparing features and pricing. That’s the realm of B2B design. It’s less about fireworks and more about the sturdy foundation of a house. It’s the detailed blueprints, the guarantee of quality materials. B2B design isn’t here to make you swoon; it’s here to prove it’s the smartest choice for the long haul.

Think of it like dating: B2C is the passionate fling, B2B is the marriage material. Both valid, both necessary, but with entirely different goals.

So, which team are you on? Are you the heart-led artist, crafting experiences that spark joy and desire? Or are you the logical strategist, building solutions that make businesses tick? The best designers understand they need both sides of the coin to truly win.